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The Greater Cayce West Columbia Chamber Ambassadors serve as representatives of the Chamber and goodwill ambassadors welcoming new businesses to the area and making our special events possible.

"Volunteering for something is the ultimate democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you're voting every day about the community you want to live in"
"The Up Side: Quotes From Positive Thinkers"

What is a Chamber Ambassador?

Ambassadors are special people! They represent the local community and the surrounding area and are goodwill "ambassadors" for the Greater Cayce West Columbia Chamber of Commerce. Ambassadors are usually the most outgoing, pro-active employees in their company. They project a positive image for the company they represent and for the Chamber. Ambassadors perform a wide variety of duties in the communities the Chamber promotes, but their main function is to help promote the Chamber of Commerce and make the Chamber events successful and enjoyable for everyone!

Why Become a Chamber Ambassador?

It is an opportunity for you and your employer to be in the spotlight. The local newspaper photographs each ribbon cutting for new businesses. This gives your company free publicity as a supporter of new businesses coming to the area and of the Greater Cayce West Columbia Chamber of Commerce.It is a great opportunity to have a few minutes of fun and network with other movers and shakers in the community. By volunteering at Chamber events and attending the monthly breakfasts and after hours as an Ambassador, your business is always involved and kept up to date on what is going on within the community and surrounding area. The breakfast meetings are informative and helpful to you as a business person. It takes teamwork to help create jobs and bring new business to the community. By serving as an Ambassador, you are showing you are a part of that team to infuse new life into the local economy and make our Chamber and its members successful!

What is Required of a Chamber Ambassador?

Chamber Ambassadors are asked to promote the Chamber in the community, help the Chamber Board and staff host special events, attend periodic ribbon cuttings for new businesses throughout the year, regularly attend Ambassador Planning meetings each month, attend the monthly Chamber breakfast meetings and Business After Hours, if at all possible, volunteer with their time and enthusiasm at the Chamber fundraising events and annual community special events, such as:

  • Charity Drives
  • Golf Tournament
  • Rhythm on the River Concert Series
  • Annual Awards Dinner & Auction
  • Greater Cayce West Columbia Chamber Holiday Parade of Lights

How Do I Become a Chamber Ambassador?

Complete the short form below and hit the submit button. Or, print it and return it to the Greater Cayce West Columbia Chamber of Commerce, 1006 12th Street, Cayce, SC 29033. Or, e-mail the Chamber office at, or call us at (803) 794-6504/Toll Free: (866) 720-5400.

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